Lily JoAnn Is Cool
All the win without the Youtube
Greetings, winners! This has been a project of Lily's mom to get a cute little ad free site with her videos on it, because not everyone wants to be on YouTube. Oh, managed to keep it ad free, with a cute custom domain for less than 5 bucks. Click arrow to read more.
First we got set up on Google Sites. (absolutely free)
Second, finding the best option for video viewing outside Youtube was trial and error, but I think we've come with the best option for that on, which is a multi service platform with a pay as you go format which ranges from storage to video streaming to AI translating. The player link does open a new window, and it does have a pop-out viewer feature, which is simple to use and is very quick to load. Checked on my laptop and my phone, and they worked superbly on them both. Super cool, right? I'm probably going to pay less than 50 cents a month on it, as well.
Third, purchased a really cute, cheap (in a good way) domain on Lol, I'm noticing a theme in website providers here. Had to go through the steps for pointing the domain to Google Sites, and it was explained very well. The domain I chose was on a promo deal for 3 dollars for the year. I had to be selective of these domains, .win was 3 dollars the first year, then 5 the next. Some of them were 2 dollars the first year then 20 the next. Enjoyed reading what some of the domains were. They had a .lol, .pink, .monster, etc... I think my favorites were .lol and .xyz.
Will continue to work and update as we go.